So last week I wrote about how enlightened my kids were becoming and how they are dragging me along into an enlightened state with them.
My kids ability to pick up on the seriously BAD habits that myself and my husband are still working on and be just as CLUELESS as us, are a lovely reminder.
(I’m so sorry kids - but you’re parents are DEFINITELY a work-in-progress)
He is constantly pushing back that he is not smart and he just wants to be like the other kids and take “easier” classes and not do things that he (or rather certain aspects of his social group) deem to be “geek or nerd type” activities or classes. AHHHHHH! This translates to low amounts of actual work being done and a severe attitude when asked to exert himself.
For example, day 8 of school, he comes home and tell’s me that he has not only messed up a part of an exam (which let me be clear - I’m fine with, everybody makes mistakes). However, he goes on to admit that he “forgot” how to do the problems.
So I ask, “did you study?” He responds with, “I did my homework.” And I ask again, “but did you study for the test?” And I get the dreaded, “sort of.”And then I remember he was in the basement playing his beloved video game from 7-8pm and then relaxing until bed. I have answered my own question.
Day 9 (still on the teenager)
Time to get up, no alarm. Headed out of the door, forgets his water bottle and phone. He is whining and moaning about the band class he has every day before school. One of those mornings where he is complaining about every little thing.
SO he’s going cold turkey on quitting his YouTube addiction. BUT this still leads us to flipping out about:
- Part 1 - How he can never have friend time after school because I take care of other people’s kids after school (which I've been doing for 2 years now and I heard this all the 1st year)
- Part 2 - I’m always working and he can’t do anything fun.
- Part 3 - Why is their homework?
- Part 4 - I hate so & so because they were mean to me at school.
- Part 5 - This one girl is SO annoying because she likes me!!!
Youngest: I was here first and YOU have zits!
Oldest: Well, Your face is ugly and there is no cream for that.”
Youngest: You suck!
Oldest: You suck more!
(We are raising Last-word-Larrys)
I digress.
On a side note: That in the land of semi-adults, also known as teens, I AM A ROOKIE! But we have been at this thing called "school" for quite awhile and I now recall the situation.
It’s the 2nd week of school and this TV melodrama has a long way to go! The positive attitudes can be few and far between. I lovingly refer to this time (actually the whole 1st month) as “SPLAT on a wall.”
They need to adjust, as do I. Pressure is back and it comes from all sides (especially these days). Thank GOD there was no social media when I was a kid!
I’m not saying that this is going to cease and desist, but it will get less LOUD. Realistically it will come in fits and spurts throughout the school year. They are re-learning to deal with this new universe. And, if they can’t let steam off with me, who can they? And my swiss cheese brain needs to remember that or it will make a long school year, even LONGER.
SO, I’m going to let the oldest drag a his feet a little and see where that goes. And I’m going to let the other one have an after-school outing where it all works out and maybe just listen when he is raging about his day (keeping my inner control freak under wraps for a bit
About that enlightened parental state...I’m still learning to improvise, adapt and overcome.
Apparently it’s a process?
Please share your “aha” moments with us. We love to hear we are not the only parents on the planet who are being schooled by their kids (i think we all need a bit of that to stay sane).