Meet the Moms

Mimi - The Older Mom

Is a wannabe Psychologist with DIY dreams of SUPREME organization! Works at more jobs than she should and has degrees in things that don’t go together (i.e. BA in Psychology & an Associate's in Health Services {Cosmetology}). WHAT? Truly attempting to be a jack of all trades and really, MASTER of NONE! She has 2 boys (ages 13 and 9), a crazy mutt, a husband of 16 years, and loves to BAKE!

Megan -  The Younger Mom

My name is Megan and I am the younger mom making a mess here at Two Mom’s and a Mess. I have a hubby, 2 little boys (2&3) & a paranoid pup who keeps me on my toes, daily. Recently I made a HUGE life change. After teaching for 13 years I decided to leave it behind and focus on my family. Haha! Little did I know that staying at home would make me even more scattered, wanting to finally do all those little projects I’d been putting off! From cooking & baking to photography to DIY projects and Legos, I’m all over the board and love anything that’s a challenge!


  1. Congrats and good luck with your blogging!

  2. From one Messy Mom (MM) to another...let's see some recipes for feeding teenage boys! Ahhhh!!
